Friday, January 13, 2012

2011 Re-Cap

Last year a lot of "stuff" happened for us.  We are still recuperating from some of the chaos.  Some of it was a last minute decision, sort of.  Moving out of the townhouse and moving in with my parents was not planned, that's for sure!  Then if you would have asked me about building and moving into a new house by the end of the year, I would have looked at you cross eyed. 
  • Preston was born
  • We rented out our townhouse and moved in with my parents
  • Brock started a new job
  • I quit my job
  • We built a new house and moved into it

We ended up the year tired but really happy about the big events of the year.  Brock and I talk regularly about how we would like a more mellow year for 2012 ...  We'll see how that goes.

{There is supposed to be a picture of the new house here, but we can't find the camera battery charger.  So, I thought that I would post this anyway, just to be a goof.  We will eventually get pics up, of the house ... we just have to find the stinking charger.}

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